Saturday, April 13, 2013

Leo Has Another Good Day!

Today Leo got to spend one-on-one time with me and daddy. I was busy during the day helping host a baby shower for a friend so Dave spent time at the NICU on his own. He got to snuggle and hang with Leo - just like old times when I was still in the hospital and Dave spent many hour on his own in the NICU before I joined him. Then, this evening Dave had plans to watch the supercross at the Metrodome so I visited Leo on my own. We snuggled for hours, read some books, and I helped with cares. I talked to the doctor today and Leo is still doing great. Just needs to keep eating and growing. He is currently on continuous feeding where his feeding tube continuously feeds him 24 hours a day. They will soon be switching him to bolus feeding which he will then be fed a larger amount over a 1/2 hour time every 3 hours. This is in preparation for bottle feeding and a great step in the right direction! It was a good day for Leo.

They changed the tape they put under his cannula - oxygen tube - and it just doesn't seem to stick. It looks like Leo's grown a mustache overnight!

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