Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bye Bye Monitor!

Since Leo has only had two true alarms of low heart rates, which he resolved on his own within like 5 seconds and no apnea alarms he is now monitor free!!  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Update!

Leo had fun spending some time with his Nonna, grandpa Keane, and Uncle Mark!  

He's doing well health wise.  He's up to drinking 4 oz a feeding!  Tomorrow they will download his monitor data, and if we get the all clear,  he will be monitor free by the end of the week.  This will be bittersweet - nice to have the monitor gone, but I've come to rely on it to help me sleep at will be a big adjustment. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Leo Continues to Grow!

Yesterday Leo had his 4 month appointment (6 weeks adjusted).  He checked out well.   He doesn't need to go back for a month!  Woohoo!  Weighing in at 9 lbs 10 oz,  he's slowly becoming a big boy.  He should continue to gain rapidly as his peers began to slow their growth, so hopefully over the next couple of months he really get some good catch up growth in. Leo also had his second set of shots.  He has had a low grade fever from them, but is eating well and playing so the doctor said to continue to monitor at home unless it gets worse.  He seems better even this afternoon.  

Another great thing Leo is staring to do is show emotion.  He smiles, and well, we've learned one move he does not like and it makes him frown.  Ha...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Leo's over 9 Pounds!

Right away when Leo's home care nurse came in the door today, she couldn't stop talking about how much he has grown in 5 days! She was right, he definitely had a growth spurt this week.  He went from 8 lbs 9 oz to 9 lbs 3 oz!  That's a lot of growth in one week.  We are so proud of him.  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just Another Day In The Life of Leo!

Leo's been practicing his strength and I think it's safe to say that this little munchkin can hold his head up!  At her last visit, his ECFE teacher shared some skills to practice with him and he is definitely making progress.  She will come an evaluate him in a week and share some infant massage techniques. 

Even though our little guy is home it's great to have all this support so we can ensure the best outcomes for him.  He's doing great and continues to make progress each day.  It's crazy to look back and think about how just 4 months ago he weighed less than 2 lbs!  

Saturday, July 13, 2013

And so he sniffles again...

I've decided Leo's one of those babies that will always be congested and sniffly! The nurse showed me a really great way to clean out his nose using the nasal aspirator and it definitely trumps how I was attempting.  I did have a dream last night that it was his first day of school and he had snot running down his face and kleenex falling out of his pockets...ha.  We shall see.  

He is still gaining weight,  but not as fast as we would like.  The pediatrician would like to see an oz. a day and he's been doing just a little less than that.  We've increased his feedings so hopefully that helps.  We'll have another weight check on Thursday.  

As the BHS class of '02 motto put it best: Keep on keeping on, life's a garden dig it! (And yes that's from Joe Dirt...only in Bemidji!)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Leo's Getting Strong!

Leo's starting to get a lot stronger!  He also drank over 3 oz. in one bottle today!  That's more than he's ever done.  He's about 8 1/2 lbs.  Tomorrow Leo has an official weight check at the drs office.  It's fun to see him get bigger and more interactive!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Leo Update!

Leo's doing well.  He's been great at night just waking for feeding and a snuggle, but otherwise is doing a pretty good job sleeping.  He's up a lot more during the day which is fun.  He's starting to bat at objects and watch things going on around him.  He's also getting really good at holding his head up.  The only thing that causes me concern at this point is his fast breathing and the possibility of getting sick.  I cannot wait until he breaths slower and easier.  When that happens it will be a major milestone in his recovery from prematurity. 

Dave and I will be playing single parents over the next few days.  He and his family went to Bemidji for the 4th and I stayed back with Leo.  Then, on Friday, I will be going to Bemidji for a wedding and Dave will be back here.  It's only been 10 hours and I must admit we made a good team and I can't wait until we can parent together again!