Sunday, April 14, 2013

Good News For Leo

Leo's at he top of the list to move to the ICC (Infant Care Center). We know this is a good thing for Leo as it means he's progressing very nicely, but we will truly miss the staff in the NICU. Our nurses have been so great to work with! The same neonatologist group cares for the infants in the ICC so Leo has met them, and they know about him so that makes the transition better too! The earliest he'd move is tomorrow, and it will for sure be sometime this week.

Leo's feeding also got switched so he gets larger amounts of milk at a time and has to wait for another feeding. He is doing great so far. It's only been 8 hours, but he seems to be making the transition. That means we are one step closer to being able to snuggle as we feed him! In the meantime Dave had to purchase a freezer for the basement for all the milk I'm producing and it's almost full! There are a couple of weddings this summer where some of this milk will come in handy! :)

Leo was very alert this morning when I went to see him!

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