Monday, March 25, 2013

How it all Began...

The journey to motherhood was shortened when I developed preeclampsia around the 27th week of my pregnancy.  I had been having issues with high blood pressure for a while before that. I began to feel rather sick and my blood pressure became really high.  I was admitted to the hospital, and there they were able to lower my blood pressure.  After spending the night, I left the hospital two steroid shots later(which I learned later is one of the reasons Leo is doing so great) and instructions to stay on bed rest until baby Keane enters this world. I thought I had at least a month...we all knew it would be early, but we didn't anticipate that I would get sick so fast.  At week , 28.5 weeks my body began to shut down and my blood pressure could not be stabilized, I was readmitted to the hospital.  That's when, at 5 AM I was told that Baby Keane would be entering this world.  We were so nervous, as that is REALLY early to have a baby.  With the support of my husband, David, we managed to prep for surgery and attempt to process what we had been told.  There were so many people in the operating room and Leo Steven Keane was successfully born at 9:57 AM on March 20, 2013.  A real "spring chicken" hatching before his time - 11.5 weeks before his time to be exact.  They whisked him away quickly, and Dave was able to follow him to the NICU.  I had to wait about an hour to see Leo.  Our little miracle baby has a lot of growing to do, but with help of the wonderful and loving NICU staff, our families, and friends,  let his journey begin...

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